Student Health Center Cassidy Hall

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Mental Well-being

College can be an exciting and transformative time for students, but it can also bring significant stress and mental health challenges. The transition to a new environment, academic pressures, social expectations, and other factors can take a toll on college students' well-being.

Mental Health Support in the Health Center

Promoting a culture of help-seeking is essential. We stress the importance of early intervention and seeking professional help when needed, which can make a significant difference in students' lives. Educating students about the signs and symptoms of mental health disorders and providing information on available resources both on and off campus empowers them to seek the help they need.

Book Service

We offer mental health services on site and we have established partnerships with local mental health service providers, including the on-campus Counseling center, which is vital to supporting our students. Collaborating with these providers ensures that students have access to support when needed. Facilitating referrals, promoting community resources, and collaborating on mental health initiatives create a comprehensive support network.

Self-care is key to your success

We encourage self-care practices and stress management techniques, which are vital for college students. Educating students about the importance of regular exercise, healthy eating, sufficient sleep, and relaxation exercises can significantly impact their mental well-being.

Creating a sense of community and belonging on campus is crucial for students' mental well-being. Encouraging the formation of student clubs, organizations, and events that promote inclusivity and social interaction can help students feel connected and supported. Peer mentoring programs and buddy systems also provide valuable support networks.

Addressing challenges

Addressing mental health challenges among college students requires a holistic and multi-faceted approach. By raising awareness, reducing stigma, strengthening support systems, promoting self-care, establishing mental health programs, fostering a sense of belonging, integrating mental health into the curriculum, collaborating with local services, and encouraging help-seeking behavior, the University of Northern Colorado is creating a supportive environment that prioritizes students' mental well-being. By investing in mental health resources and initiatives, we are helping college students thrive academically, socially, and emotionally, empowering them to reach their full potential during their college years and beyond.

Interested in our services? We’re here to help!

We want to know your needs exactly so that we can provide the perfect solution. Let us know what you want and we’ll do our best to help.

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